I want to help you becoming the best version of yourself!
I am passionate about helping you succeed, where I will encourage, empower and equip you.
Encourage you by cheering you on your journey
Empower you to believe in the potential that is within you to succeed
Equip you with the skills sets and business attributes that every entrepreneur needs
✔ 12 x Weekly 45 minute Virtual strategic support sessions
✔ 10 x fortnightly 1-hour virtual strategic support sessions
✔One 2-hour face to face session -
✔ 10 x fortnightly 1- hour virtual support sessions
✔ Two 2-hour face to face meetings
✔ One in house 2-hour staff training session
Services provided under Silver & Gold packages include:
Creating and developing Business plan and including a cashflow statement
Creating and developing Statement of purpose
Assistance in identifying suitable areas to establish your proposed home
Assistance in pitching to local authorities and guidance to access various databases and getting on the Local Authority Framework
Support with clients’ acquisition
Preparation for professional meetings with Local authorities and other stakeholders
Assistance in recruitment strategy (* Only for Silver and Gold package)
Supply a full set of customised Policies and Procedures (* Only for Gold package)
Assistance with submitting tenders (* Only for Gold package, however full tender writing services and OFSTED application incur additional charges )
Upcoming Masterclass programme
Services provided under the Gold package at a discounted rate that will be provided after initial consultation
What you will get
You will gain direction, focus, and clarity from working with me benefitting from:
Greater self-confidence and enhanced self-esteem
Improved sense of purpose, direction and achievement
Satisfaction of successfully starting and growing your own business
Develop better communication and leadership skills
Benefit from having a better business and personal relationships
Reduced stress, healthier lifestyle and improved wellbeing